Recently, I had the pleasure of welcoming two guests from London to my studio for a hands-on session in screen printing. They were both new to the screen printing process, and I was delighted to guide them through it.
Our workshop started with the basics: coating screens and sketching designs. We then moved on to layer separation and burning screens to create stencils, followed by paper registration in preparation for printing. The guests were particularly interested in the detailed planning and preparation involved in screen printing, which can be quite meticulous at times.
They successfully completed their first three-color screen print, which they named "Micia Micia" - after my furry friend, Lunar. We all had a really fun day in the studio.
Vicky and Raf are inspecting the screen to ensure the stencil is lined up with the printed color layer.
They successfully printed four editions of 'Micia Micia.' Congratulations, Vicky and Raf!